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My account is in credit how do I get the money back?

If your account is in credit, it’s often a great idea to keep it that way so that, when you come to use more gas you can use that credit before needing to pay for it.

If you’re on Direct Debit and you believe that your credit has built up due to payments being to high, get in touch via My Account with us and our Credit Control team can review this.

If you do decide to request a refund, just get in touch with us online and we can process this.

Please note:

  • You can choose a refund or leave the balance on your account for future use.
  • All customer accounts are reviewed every 12 months as standard. We will contact you to let you know if your account is in credit.
  • In most cases, a refund back to your original payment method is preferred (for card payments and direct debit) or a refund is sent out by cheque.
  • Providing any outstanding queries on your account are resolved, you should expect your refund to be received within 14 days from the initial request.


Watch how to activate your account online

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