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How do I read my gauge?

Please see the below diagram for guidance on reading your bulk LPG tank gauge:

Diagram of standard LPG tank gauge








Important Notes

  1. 85% – your tank will normally only be filled to 85% to allow for expansion and contraction of the gas in different weather conditions
  2. 40% – if you’re a manual ordering customer place your order online now via My Account – this will give us time to process and plan your delivery
  3. 20% – your tank gauge might now scarily be displaying as in the red – but please don’t panic! if you’re on Auto ordering, just check our My Account for advice on how many days of gas you have left and when your next delivery is due. If you’e on manual ordering, place your order now.

If you’re a manual ordering customer or an Auto ordering customer without telemetry, keep your My Account updated with regular tank readings.

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