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How do I connect my propane cylinder?

These cylinders are supplied in standard red or in green leisure gas cylinders.

Standard Red:

A variety of pressure regulators or hose assemblies can be connected to the cylinder valve, but the regulator connection is the same – UK POL 5/8” LH male. First, ensure the POL thread is clean and undamaged and then offer up to the cylinder valve.

The connection is left hand to tighten, right hand to disconnect. Care should be taken to select the correct direction! A spanner will be required to ensure gas soundness is achieved by the final firm ‘nip’ to tighten onto the valve thread. It is advisable to perform a leak test with a simple soap solution. If bubbles form around the valve, consider tightening the nut further but not with excessive force.

If bubbles continue to form, it would be advisable to replace the regulator as permanent damage will have been caused to the POL. Once the regulator has been connected the cylinder valve can be turned on.

Green Leisure:

The connection or disconnection of the regulator for this cylinder is the same as for butane cylinders. The only difference is the cylinder valve size which in this instance is 27mm. Proceed as instructed for butane cylinder connection or disconnection

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